Class Memberships

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Check out our prices and get signed up today!

Bonus: Add 24h Gym access for $20.00/month

Note: you will need a MindBody Account located at the top of the screen.

Class Memberships

Please add H.S.T. (13%) to all prices.

Class memberships correspond to all BuiltSC classes offered at the gym with the exception of intermittent Special Classes such as Gymnastics.

Class Memberships give you access to our daily programming app SugarWOD where you can log and track your workouts.

See the classes page to see what is being offered!

4 Classes/Month


X-fit Gym workout

8 Classes/Month


Cross-fit gym

12 Classes/Month


Working out in a gym

16 Classes/Month


Unlimited Classes + 24h gym




If you have never participated in a XBuilt class before, you will need to book your “On-Ramp.” What is the On-Ramp? 4 sessions for 1-4 people, booked on your schedule with a Coach, like small group personal training. You will learn how to Olympic weightlift (Clean and jerk, and snatch), how to properly “kip” for exercises such as toes to bar, pullups, and handstand pushups. And you will learn how to skip double unders, and rope climb. It’s important to remember that EVERYTHING in our XBuilt class is scalable, meaning we will teach you the best way to complete the movement for the level you are at.

Class Passes

5 Class Passes



10 Class Passes
